Turkey Day at the Pink Brick House

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Gobble, gobble!

Hey - welcome to my new Thanksgiving blog. Turkey Day at my mom's house will be interesting this year. Here's the cast:

Aunt (dad's brother's widow)
Cousin (Aunt's son)
Cousin's Wife (second wife, just got married this Spring)
13 yr old cousin (Cousin's daughter from 1st marriage)
11 yr old cousin (younger sister of 13 yr old
Friend (Sister's and my female friend)
Friend's boyfriend - he will probably just stop by after dinner or something

So 10 people around the table that only seats 8. And I think we only have 8 chairs. But we can drag in the kitchen chairs which is a good thing because they're more narrow than the dining table chairs so we can squeeze more people in.

Here's how I think things will go:
Mommy will wake up ridiculously early on Thursday to start preparing the food. Sister will pick me up from the metro mid-morning grumbling about how we're not going to clean her bathrooms and if she doesn't want to clean, then she shouldn't host the dinner. We'll bitch about the drama she's put us through over the curtains and the downstairs bathroom floor and question what she actually does with her time that she hasn't been able to complete these projects. Bitch some more about how if she just scheduled herself as though she were at work, she'd get so much more done. Sister will say that Brother-in-law was complaining that he wanted to spend the morning "just the two of us" but she had to go to Mommy's to help prepare.
10 minutes later, we'll arrive at her house and enter all cheerful and upbeat, as though all the grumbling and bitching never happened. Mommy will already be tired, but the turkey will be in the oven and everything will be starting to smell delicious and that will put us in a good mood. We'll sit in the living room or in the rec room and chat about random stuff like when we should lock Alice (the cat) in the cellar so she can stop annoying us. Or what's going to happen with Gus (the outdoor cat) now that it's getting really cold. This will probably go on too long and then we'll be rushed to get the rest of the food ready.

Aunt, Cousin, etc. will arrive and we won't know what to do with them. Hopefully around this time Brother-in-law will get there so he can play Man of the House. Or compete for that position with Cousin who tends to lord it over everyone no matter whose house he's in. Aunt will sit in Daddy's chair the entire time and gush over how the young Cousins are doing in school and admonish 11 yr old to sit still, over-compliment 13 yr old and complain about how she's getting old. Cousin's Wife will help us in the kitchen and that will be fun. Friend will arrive and want to help, but we'll tell her that she'd be more useful entertaining the people in the living room. She's very good at that. I'll get bossy about my mashed potatoes. We'll all crack up over Sister peeling the hot squash - and Sister will complain about how this is her job every year and she always burns her fingers. Mommy will end up sitting on the little stool crying she's laughing so hard. None of us in the kitchen will have any idea what's going on in the living room and that's just fine. Who wants to be out there anyway?


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