Turkey Day at the Pink Brick House

Monday, November 28, 2005

Thursday - Turkey Day

For some reason I couldn't fall asleep Wednesday night until about 2am. So it especially sucked when my alarm went off at 8am. And then I was awake. So I showered and started getting dressed. I had bought this great cardigan/shawl thing at the Limited with my mom and really wanted to wear that. Pair it with a brown short-sleeve shell and this brown bead necklace. Very cute. And then since the shell has sleeves, I can easily take off the sweater while cooking and setting up and not look as undressed as I would in something sleeveless.

Sister called at some points saying that she was running late, had overslept and that BIL would probably be the one to pick me up around noon. Mommy wanted us there at 12:30. Everyone else was scheduled to arrive around 1, dinner was supposed to start at 3. Sister and BIL didn't get to my place until 12:45 so we didn't get to Mommy's until around 1. And Sister and BIL had to go back home so Sister could finish getting dressed.

Mommy and I put the leaves in the table and were starting to get a little worried about how we'd fit everyone around. I told Mommy that I'd figure it out and she should just go put her face on.

I scrounged up 11 chairs (including this rickety old one that usually just the cat sleeps on) and quickly figured out that we'd need to add another table. Mommy had the gateleg table to use as a sideboard. I first tried that at the end of the dining table. But with the gateleg down (only way it would fit in the room), the person sitting at the head of the table wouldn't have a place for his legs. And since that person would be BIL who is 6'4", that wasn't going to work. Then I noticed the mission oak desk in the living room. I measured it and it was just 1/4" higher than the dining table. Perfect! Mommy came down as I was hauling everything off of it and moving the gateleg table in its place. She was a little concerned because the desk is an antique (as is the gateleg table, but anyay...) but also realized that it was perfect.

We didn't have a long enough silence cloth so we used this old nubbly tablecloth (think the same material as my oatmeal sweater) at the far end and the real silence cloths at the mission oak end. And had a separate table cloth on each because none of Mommy's cloths were long enough. Not even the super-formal white damask ones from her mother's house. So the real dining table had our traditional green cloth and the desk had this autumn floral one that Mommy's family used to use for Thanksgiving. And that was nice.

Sister, BIL and Friend all arrived. They were eating cheese in the living room and Sister wanted to take a picture for her Christmas card with BIL. So we went outside in front of this tall green bush. It was a nice, bright green and I thought it was perfect. She and BIL wanted to be inside, but there isn't a good backdrop. We noticed that Mommy has this reflector in her yard. This is probably just there to mark where the drain is, but we thought it was hysterical.

I'm having issues adding more pictures so I'll continue this on another entry.


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